• Romania’s Iohannis Reverses Course As Elections Near

    May 24, 2024
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    Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, via Wikimedia Commons

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    With the globalist coalition he represents floundering in the polls and elections fast approaching, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis declared on Wednesday that Romania will not send combatants to Ukraine, and that he will not accept, under any circumstances, that Romania be left without anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense by transferring those weapons to Ukraine. The declaration comes after harsh criticism from the anti-globalist opposition forces that he was dragging the country into war.

    “Romania will not send combatants to Ukraine, the discussion is simple and I think that’s the end of it,” Iohannis told reporters. He added that, regarding the possibility of Romania handing over a Patriot system to Ukraine, that it is a matter that must be discussed with military specialists, then in the CSAT, noting that he will not accept, under any circumstances, that Romania be left without anti-missile and anti-air defenses.

    “I don't comment on this matter and I don’t think it has any business in the general public space. It is a matter that must be discussed with military specialists, which, in the end, must be decided in the CSAT and the result communicated. I don’t think that a broad public debate is desirable on such a highly specialized case and which, of course, must be taken to an area where, unfortunately, we have an armed conflict,” Iohannis said, referring to the widespread public opposition to such a move.

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    Asked when he will convene a meeting of the Supreme Council of Defense of the Country to discuss this issue, Iohannis said, “As soon as the experts clarify the issues. It’s not simple. Let’s not imagine that we are talking here about (…) a trailer with three devices. It is very complicated. There are contracts that were made between the supplier and the beneficiary, there are very sophisticated installations and these things must be clarified very well, not to mention the fact that I do not accept, under any circumstances, that Romania remain without anti-missile defense and without anti-aircraft defense, about that we are talking, therefore, to the extent that something is given in the end, Romania must receive something else. Otherwise, nothing will be done”

    The Romanian President’s remarks leave one to wonder if his position will not change after the elections if called upon to do so by his masters in Washington and Brussels.



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