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“If they decide to use false data to get us into the eurozone, we will set them on fire,” Kostadin Kostadinov, leader of Vazrazhdane, Bulgaria’s leading patriotic opposition party, vowed during an interview on Bulgarian National Radio.
Kostadinov declared that if this happens, “the Bulgarian people will take to the streets…. And we will do what a people does when their country is taken over by criminals and people who are carrying out a real coup. We will enter the institutions – the parliament, the Council of Ministers.”
“The destruction of the Bulgarian lev is death for the Bulgarian financial system,” the Vazrazhdane leader explained, “the destruction of people’s incomes, of their savings. This is a crime and these people will be held accountable. We have information from people who work in the National Statistical Institute. Unfortunately, we do not govern, but when this happens, not only will the people from the National Security Institute testify, but we will also open the archives.”
“These people are declaring war on an entire nation. We will not tolerate this,” Kostadinov declared. “When you are in the eurozone, your own country cannot do anything against inflation. We will not have our own money, because we will no longer print it. It is not our property. If the digital euro is introduced, we become the property of some people outside Bulgaria.”
Bulgaria’s leading opposition leader promised that Vazrazhdane “will do everything necessary to prevent the destruction of the Bulgarian lev.”