• Orbán Stands With Trump As Biden Unleashes The Justice System On His Political Opponents

    June 2, 2024
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    President Donald Trump with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, via X

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    Following the politically-motivated conviction of Donald Trump in a Stalinist-style show trial in New York City that has made the United States the laughing-stock of the world, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was one of the first to express his support for the persecuted presidential candidate.

    “I’ve known President @realDonaldTrump to be a man of honour. As President, he always put America first, he commanded respect around the world and used this respect to build peace. Let the people make their verdict this November! Keep on fighting, Mr. President!” Orbán wrote on X.

    Orbán was not the only European leader to express his sympathy with Trump. Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini offered “solidarity and full support” for the former president.

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    “Solidarity and full support for @realDonaldTrump, victim of judicial harassment and a process of political nature. In Italy, we are sadly familiar with the weaponization of the justice system by the left, given that for years attempts have been made to eliminate political opponents through legal means,” Salvini wrote on X, adding  “I hope Trump wins; it would be a guarantee of greater balance and hope for world peace.”



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