EU Launches New Attack On The Autonomy Of Bosnian Serbs

July 6, 2023
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Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska, via his official website

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Faced with a continued assault on the autonomy of Republika Srpska and repeated violations of the Dayton Agreement by globalist Western powers in their misguided efforts to create an artificial multi-ethnic state in Bosnia, Republika Srpska voted last week to refuse to implement the decisions of the Bosnian Constitutional Court going forward. The reason for the move was the court’s illegal decision to issue rulings without the participation of Serb representatives on the court.

Republika Srpska also decided to invalidate decrees by the EU and U.S.-backed international High Representative in Sarajevo. The High Representative acts as a colonial administrator, ignoring the democratic wishes of the population and imposing dictates in line with the interests of the globalist Western powers. The High Representative, Angela Merkel acolyte Christian Schmidt, has never been legally vested in this position, which would require have required approval of the U.N. Security Council.

In response, Schmidt, in the manner of a true colonial master, declared the democratic decisions taken by the National Assembly of Republika Srpska to be null and void on Saturday. Furthermore, in a truly Stalinist move, he also made it a crime to criticize the Bosnian state institutions.

The President of Republika Srpska, who has been fighting the globalist assault on the autonomy of Bosnian Serbs, lashed out at the attack on democracy being launched by the EU and U.S. “So, if I don’t implement these decisions, I will be arrested and handed over to a Muslim prosecutor, who will hand me over to a Muslim judge, who will sentence me to prison,” Dodik told reporters.

“These laws were adopted by Republika Srpska’s National Assembly with a two-thirds majority and they will remain in force and I will promulgate them,” Dodik vowed. The President also said that the Serbian entity will reject the authority of Bosnian prosecutors in future, and strengthen Republika Srpska’s police force in order to defend its autonomy.

Dodik pointed to the existential struggle Republika Srpska faces with this new globalist assault on Serbian autonomy. “If we give in now and are not determined, we will disappear in 10 years. If we are brave and persistent, we will survive,” the President declared. “I have to defend this nation. I am ready to make a sacrifice and I will go to the end.”

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The EU currently maintains an occupation force of 1,100 troops in Bosnia to enforce its will in the country. The U.S. only last month did a low-level flyover of Republika Srpska with bombers in an attempt to intimidate Serbian officials. The Western Powers are clearly trying to provoke Republika Srpska in an effort to crush their autonomy.

The EU also moved to cut off funding to Republika Srpska to punish the Serbian entity for protecting its autonomy. Dodik responded that the EU “wants Republika Srpska to change its decision on the imposition of laws, which Srpska will not do. They have to understand that offering money to change their character humiliates our people…. The decision is incorrect and will not change our views, and we will not sell our freedom and character for a certain amount of money that we would allocate here as donations.”



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