• Macron Disgraces France And French Culture With Demonic Olympic Opening Ceremony

    July 28, 2024
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    The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, a committed globalist who never fails to denigrate his own country and culture, was personally responsible for the demonic opening ceremony for the Olympic Games. Macron personally appointed 42-year-old Thomas Jolly, a “queer,” gay actor known for promoting LGBT ideology in all of his performances, as the director of festivities for the Olympics.

    There was no doubt about how Jolly would open the Olympics. He has previously introduced gay themes into Shakespeare’s classic Romeo & Juliet. His goal is always to degrade and demean all that is sacred in Western culture.

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    According to The Spectator, Jolly is Macron’s favourite. The French president publicly thanked Jolly for the way the opening ceremony looked. “Thanks to Thomas Jolly and his creative genius for this grand ceremony. Thanks to the artists for this unique and magical moment. Thank you to the police and emergency services, agents and volunteers. Thanks to everyone who believed in it. We'll be talking about it in 100 years! I DID IT!” Macron lauded on X, claiming “paternity” for the show, which ended with two gay men kissing and then locking themselves in a room.

    Through his actions, Macron has intentionally disgraced his country in front of the entire world.



    Staff Writer

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    Jolly is franco-israeli, of jewish faith...

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